


2012年6月6日 由散文作者Mr.Ax发表于FS;2019年4月2日 由立狮文化 Vincent 译













  Original Article:

  The development of society, introduction of new technologies, growing urbanization andcomplexity of life resulted in the increasing need of brief but clear informing people about the direction they have to choose to find places they are looking for. In such a situation, the development of signage for public wayfinding became a natural process that accompanied the development of the modern civilization.

  It should be pointed out that the need in the development of signage to improve and facilitate wayfinding increased consistently with the growth of large cities and growing migration of people to urban areas. In the result of the growth and development of infrastructure and complexity of architecture and design to find the right way became a serious problem and the use of signage could be the best solution of this problem.Often, it could be a big problem to find the right way even in a building, such as public library, for instance.

  Firstly, it should be said that the contemporary concept of signage basically originatesfrom the ideas of logical positivism developed in the 1920s -1930s by Neurath who viewed vision as the major source of empiric knowledge (Pratt, 2005).

  At the same time, the development of signage was a gradual process which responded tothe demand of the current moment. For instance, in the early and mid-20th century there was used signage to indicate the way separately for white and black people. On the other hand, the 1950s became the period of the start of the development of the international visual sign system, which were later developed throughout the 1960s and 1970s(Pratt, 2005).

  Gradually, the use f signage became more universal and adapted to all people regardless ethnic, class, educational, or age differences. The major goal of the signage was to provide people with comprehensible and sufficient information to assist in the wayfinding(Lupton and Miller, 1996).

  As a result, nowadays, the use of signage is widely spread and it is possible to find itpractically everywhere, including public libraries. The use of signage proves to be quite effective since it provides ample instructions to wayfinding in a brief visual form.



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